- December 2024
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- 18:00 amCommunion Worship19:15 amAdult Study & Choir110:30 amPilgrim Children’s Hour110:30 amCommunion Worship
- 21:00 pmSCOPA Card Group27:00 pmChimin’ In
- 3
- 45:15 pmRacial Justice Meeting46:15 pmGarageband Practice46:15 pmVespers46:30 pmConfirmation Classes46:30 pmHanging of the Greens
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 88:00 amWorship Service89:15 amAdult Study & Choir810:30 amWorship Service810:30 amPilgrim Children’s Hour811:45 amChristmas Caroling
- 96:30 pmWomen’s Advent Candlelight Service
- 102:00 pmSupport Groups
- 115:00 pmCookie Bake Prep115:30 pmGarageBand Practice116:15 pmVespers116:30 pmConfirmation Classes117:00 pmChristmas Cantata Practice
- 125:00 pmCookie Bake Prep126:30 pmCouncil Meeting
- 131:00 pmSheepshead135:00 pmCookie Bake Prep
- 1410:00 amMemorial Visitation, Service143:30 pmCookie Bake Prep
- 158:00 amCommunion Worship159:00 amYouth Cookie Bake Sale159:15 amAdult Study & Choir1510:30 amCommunion Worship1510:30 amFamily Service
- 16
- 17
- 185:30 pmGarageBand Practice186:15 pmVespers186:30 pmConfirmation Classes187:00 pmChristmas Cantata Practice
- 197:00 pmBlue Christmas Service
- 206:00 pmYouth Babysitting Night
- 21
- 228:00 amChristmas Cantata228:00 amWorship Service229:15 amAdult Study & Choir2210:30 amWorship Service222:00 pmPiano Recital
- 237:00 pmChimin’ In
- 248:30 amOffice Closed Today243:00 pmChristmas Eve Candlelight Service245:00 pmChristmas Eve Candlelight Service249:00 pmChristmas Eve Candlelight Service
- 258:30 amMerry Christmas! (office closed)
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 299:00 amWorship Service
- 30
- 31